
• Mid-West Fertilizer News

Optimal Acre

Sep 19, 2024 | Midwest Fertilizer
Optimal Acre is a grid soil sampling and variable rate fertilizer program that will help you lower your cost of production, increase yields, and make data-driven decisions for maximum profitability.

Utilizing Grain Bank for Livestock Feed

Sep 19, 2024 | Midwest Fertilizer
Increase profitability by utilizing Midwest Fertilizer's Grain Bank for livestock feed.

Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF) Insurance

Sep 19, 2024 | Midwest Fertilizer
Producer Ag offers Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF) insurance, a federal crop insurance program that provides coverage for farmers and ranchers against rainfall shortages in specific grid intervals to protect forage production used for grazing or haying.

Enhancing Crop Health And Yield: The Importance Of A V10 Corn Stage Fungicide Application

Jun 25, 2024 | Midwest Fertilizer
Applying fungicide at the V10 stage of corn, just before tasseling, is effective for managing early-season fungal infections and improving crop health.

Proactive Planning for Cattle Health

Jun 25, 2024 | Midwest Fertilizer
As the seasons change, proactive planning is essential to maintaining cattle health.

Post Wheat Harvest Options

Jun 25, 2024 | Midwest Fertilizer
After wheat harvest, farmers have an opportunity to maximize wheat stubble acres. Planting double-crop soybeans or cover crops can bring various benefits and added value to an operation.

Industry News

Retailer carrying a box of StrikeLock® adjuvant.

3 Steps to a Successful Fall Burndown Application

Sep 27, 2024 | Answer Plot
If conditions in your area allow you to make a fall burndown application, it can make the spring a little easier from a weed management perspective. Applying in the fall allows you to target frequent winter annuals with herbicides at the start of their life cycles, before they gr...
Soybean seedling.

Your Guide To The Ascend Portfolio

Sep 23, 2024 | Answer Plot
The Ascend® plant growth regulator (PGR) portfolio has been growing in exciting ways over the past several seasons. Each of these high-performing products contains three PGRs – auxin, gibberellic acid and cytokinin – but in ratios optimized for different uses. &n...
Farmer planting soybean seed treated with Warden® CX II seed treatment.

5 Reasons To Try New Soybean Seed Treatments

Sep 09, 2024 | Answer Plot
When it comes to getting the most out of your seed investment, every decision counts. Warden® CX II seed treatment and the new Ascend® ST3™ plant growth regulator offer powerful protection and growth benefits individually. But when combined, they can take your crops...
Drone spraying crop protection products on a corn field.

Using Drones For Crop Protection Applications

Jul 09, 2024 | Answer Tech
When the field isn’t fit for a ground rig and an airplane isn’t feasible, drones are a great option for in-season applications. I continue to see more and more retailers and growers investing in drones, also referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or unmanned ae...
A grower and their WinField United advisor scout fields for soybean white mold.

7 Tips for Managing Soybean White Mold

Jul 09, 2024 | Answer Plot
If you grow soybeans, you’re likely no stranger to white mold. While it’s impossible to predict exactly how prevalent it will be this season, it pays to be proactive. Fields with a history of the disease should be managed diligently, especially if cool, wet weather co...
Two growers scouting a soybean field.

3 Tips for Managing SDS in Soybeans

Jul 09, 2024 | Answer Plot
Dry conditions across much of the Corn Belt kept sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybeans at moderate levels during the 2023 growing season. When the disease did show up, it generally came in late, which limited yield losses. This year, however, has been a different story. With ov...