
Simple, affordable, automatic yield maps

A yield map serves as the current crop year’s report card, and it’s an important input for next year’s agronomy plan. It allows you to set up in-field yield trials and build prescriptions for the future to help you be more profitable. 

Mid-West Fertilizer makes it easy and affordable for farmers to generate yield maps. Our retrofit yield monitor can be user-installed quickly on any combine.

  • The FarmTRX Mobile App displays live harvest data and uploads automatically to our web-platform.
  • The FarmTRX Web App immediately generates high-quality yield maps. Easily view your yield maps, share them with your agronomist, or export to other farm management software.

FarmTRX treats all data as confidential; we do not share or sell your yield data.


Easily user-installed in under four hours. Includes GPS antenna, yield sensors and data logger.


Use any Android, iPhone or tablet for real-time in-cab display and setup. 


Your yield data is automatically uploaded to the web, ready for you to easily view.

Informational Videos

FarmTRX helps farmers make informed decisions regarding field input by the use of data collection on yield, crop type, and operator performance.
For more information, watch this In the Field Minute Report about FarmTRX with Craig Miller.
You can also view our informational videos from FarmTRX, including an overview, customer interview and installment guide. 

FarmTRX Overview

Farmer Interview - FarmTRX Yield Monitor

FarmTRX Retrofit Yield Monitor Install