Fungicide And Insecticide Dual Application On Soybeans

Jul 20, 2023

Tank Mixing a Fungicide and Insecticide treatment on soybeans has proven to:
  • boost yield
  • control disease
  • control insects
  • increase plant health
The Fungicide will provide:
  • stress mitigation
  • pod retention
  • disease resistance
The Insecticide will provide:
  • control of yield-robbing insects such as stink bugs, pod worms, clover worms, and loopers
These two-products tank mixed have two powerful management tools in a single spray for R3 application on soybeans. Diseases controlled with this include soybean rust, leaf spot, and powdery mildew. Stress is inevitable on soybeans in our region but reducing that stress will give the plant more opportunity to boost yield. Allowing soybeans to endure less stress and increase plant health will lead to higher pod retention. Having soybeans retain even a few pods per plant can lead to a profitable boost in yield.
Trials in our central region from 2022 showed a 12-14 bushel increase in yield using fungicides, such as Stratego YLD and Delaro Complete, along with an insecticide, Leverage 360, on irrigated soybeans. Making this application at the R3 stage on soybeans allows for the plant to overcome the insect and stress pressure it faces throughout the growing season.
With the past trials and data, this application has proven to allow soybeans to reach a higher profit level and a greater return on investment.

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